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Register for the 81st Baptist Educational Congress of the District of Columbia & Vicinity

All classes are virtual Monday May 6 - Friday May 10, 2024, 6:30pm to 9:00pm each evening. Please email your class selection to Deacon AD Williams at with your name, email address and phone number. Please register by Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 10:00pm.

Course Offerings

104 Effective Bible Reading

Identify methods and approaches to Bible Study that can lead to spiritual growth and Christian maturity.  Areas that will be covered include the structure of the BIBLE and resources for personal study.  Employ the resources and tools of Hermeneutics. Instructor: Dr. Bernard Fuller 

127.27 The Book of Revelation

This course is designed to help students understand New Testament prophecy in light of today.  Participants will examine the letters to the seven churches and the relevant messages. Instructor: Dr. Nathaniel Obey  

145.2 Your Church in the Mental Health Crisis 

The Mental Health Crisis is the mission opportunity of our decade. Yet, few churches are equipped to step into this opportunity without burning out themselves. How can you meet the needs of the spiking rates of anxiety, suicidality, and mental distress your people are facing, without burning out yourself.  In this Session we will be discussing what is actually happening in this cultural moment of mental health, along with practical skills to learn to engage your congregation, and tools to love your struggling people. Instructor: Rev. Stacy Smith 

409  When Life Hurts

It’s easy to trust God when everything is going your way but what about when things go wrong? Does trusting God come easily to you- until adversity strikes?  Amid troubles and tribulation, do you sometimes doubt whether He really cares?  Exploring three essential truths about God- His complete sovereignty, His infinite wisdom, and His perfect love, this course will seek to strengthen your trust in God when faced with adversity. Instructor: Rev. Larry Hentz 

419.6/4026 The Anatomy of Cults

How do cults recruit people?  Identify traits and characteristics of cults, "isms", and religious trends prevalent in today's society.  Students will identify damage caused to humanity and the cause of the Gospel by these religious bodies. Instructor: Minister Eric Dolce 

421.2 By Strengthening Your Prayer Life

As a disciple of Christ, prayer is essential and  

provides the opportunity to gain new strengths, new insights, and new affirmations on your daily journey with God.  This class will help you to enhance your prayer life and order your steps by joining others in journaling and developing daily prayer concerns and techniques your prayer life. Instructor: Rev. Charles Bynum II 

510.12   Servant Leadership

The world needs servant leaders, people who love unconditionally, give of themselves sacrificially, and leave a legacy worth following. If each of us would choose to be a servant leader, we could change the effect of the generational dysfunctions that exists in our world today. We have a model of servant leadership to follow. That model is Jesus, whose method has stood the test of time. Inspired by Him, we will not only begin to focus on identifying and operating from our strengths, but we can become better leaders by understanding our weaknesses and shortcomings. This class will help students not only become the leaders Jesus created us to be--it will allow us to lead others to Him. Instructor: Rev. Rodney Teal, Esq.    


180  Baptist Doctrine

This course is designed to examine the fundamental beliefs of Baptist, its tenets, ordinances and structure. Students will explore biblical foundations and issues of faith; as well as the autonomy of the Baptist church. Instructor: Dr. Emmett Young III 

810.6  Grief and Fear

Recognize. Grief support for death, divorce, loss of job or general grief. How do we deal with grief and fear? This class will discover different techniques. Instructor: Sister Phyllis Anderson 

855.1  Women in Ministry Seminar

This course provides an overview of how a woman’s Spiritual gifts, Personality, Experiences, Cares/passions, Interest, Abilities and Life gifts (talents) make her special and contribute to her God. Instructor: Dr. Cynthia Turner Wood 

900 Ministers Seminar

The purpose of the Ministers’ Seminar is to inspire, educate, encourage, equip, uplift, affirm, and support ministers in their various leadership and pastoral roles as they endeavor to perfect the gifts within them. Instructor: Rev. Terry Streeter

128/1084 Miracles of Jesus

Concentrates on the many miracles that Jesus performed during his earthy ministry, both from a topical and chronological arrangement. Students will discuss the purpose and plan of each miracle, as well as the final outcome, to the immediate recipient. Instructor: Dr. Angelo Berry 

119/*1087 Survey of Paul’s Letters

Covers the teaching of Paul from the books of 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Galatians, 1 and 2 Corinthians, Romans, 1 and 2 Timothy, and Titus.  Focus on Paul’s prison letters (the books of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon). Probe the mind of this man, who while incarcerated, addressed the early churches. Instructor: Dr. Tyrone Queen 

*524/2023   Creative Ways of Teaching

Assist teachers in discovering innovative ways to teach that lead to transformed student’s lives, and in discovering new ways of teaching that will include learning behavior and strategies of student learning and behavior. Instructor:  Dr. John Cox 

*7008.2/20 Reaching and Keeping Those Under 40

Focus on the practical, simple ways of discovering the needs and interests of young adults. Emphasis will be placed on the developmental process of this age group, and the problems peculiar to them.  Focus on methods that will assist the church to more actively involve young adults in the mission and work of the church.  Instructor: Rev. Christopher Starghill 

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